Data Privacy My Mom Can Understand

Just earlier this week, I found myself trying to articulate the why behind our product to my mother. After my jumbled explanation, she simply said, “Why don’t you just stop all these companies from taking the data in the first place?” 🤦🏼‍♀️

Instantly, she had crystallized our mission better than any tech jargon I could have offered.

Her incisive suggestion encapsulates our fundamental aim. The unfortunate reality is that the United States of America lacks a dedicated privacy law to protect its citizens. Although there’s some promising legislation in the pipeline, for now, options for consumers to reclaim their privacy are quite limited. (Don’t worry, we’ll cover that legislation soon!)

The path to reclaiming privacy begins with understanding the policies that shape our digital encounters, the data that might be silently recorded about us, and our feelings towards these stealthy data points. Only then can we initiate protective measures to control access to our own information and reclaim our data footprint.

So yes, Mom, our mission is precisely that: to prevent all this data from freely floating around in the first place. Until that dream is realized, we stay vigilant, keep an eye on data breach-related class action lawsuits, and alert you when there’s an opportunity to claim what’s rightfully yours.

Our vision? To enable you, the digital citizen 👩🏽‍💻, to control your own data footprint. Empowering web users to dictate their data narrative—that’s our ultimate goal. 💪🏻