What We Do Here

Dear Reader,

Simply put, we watch the watchers.

Almost every company you interact with is collecting (and in many cases selling) data about you. A lawyer would say these companies have your consent because you clicked “I Agree” or ticked a checkbox somewhere. And technically they do have your consent, but in our opinion, they do not have your informed consent.

Informed consent is when you understand how, why, and when your data is being stored, used, sold or transferred. Informed consent is when you can easily weigh the value of the data you give up with quality of the product or service you are receiving. Informed consent is when you can decide to stop the transaction or limit the bounds of the information gathered.

This is where we come in. We’re building a business that will help you navigate this landscape. We have 3 core products that we’re going to be working on each with a targeted approach to data: Awareness, Exploration, and Advocacy.

You’re reading the first product. It’s this blog, and it’s meant to get you to understand what is actually in these policies and terms of service.

We do this by watching how and when privacy polices, terms of service, and all the other legalese documents change on the web. Our database right now is limited to Fortune 500 companies, but we are expanding the list every day. Following this blog means you’re going to get peeks into those companies and how they “make the sausage”.

So subscribe, share with your friends and help support our efforts.

Watch the Watchers With Us.

– Kyle