Tag: May 2024

  • How We’re Going to Kill the Cookie Banner

    Cookie banners are everywhere. 🍪 You’ve probably seen them and been annoyed. We talked about types of cookies a few weeks ago, and then also touched on the annoyance of those “Allow Cookies” popups last week. This week we are going to talk about how we can get rid of those banners and popups altogether! The…

  • If Cookies Came with a Nutritional Label, Would You Bite?

    We expect a physical store to adjust it’s layout based on foot traffic, current promotions, and even the season. But the internet is not a physical store, it’s got more superpowers….

  • What is a Cookie?

    Cookies aren’t just tasty snacks for our Chief Barking Officer, Remy Bear (pictured above). They are a tool used by software engineers to alter the behavior of the sites with which you interact. So, how do cookies work? And what exactly is a cookie? A cookie, to begin with, is just a little packet of…

  • Data Privacy My Mom Can Understand

    Just earlier this week, I found myself trying to articulate the why behind our product to my mother. After my jumbled explanation, she simply said, “Why don’t you just stop all these companies from taking the data in the first place?” 🤦🏼‍♀️ Instantly, she had crystallized our mission better than any tech jargon I could…

  • What We Do Here

    Dear Reader, Simply put, we watch the watchers. Almost every company you interact with is collecting (and in many cases selling) data about you. A lawyer would say these companies have your consent because you clicked “I Agree” or ticked a checkbox somewhere. And technically they do have your consent, but in our opinion, they…